The Ecological Poetry of Lichen
The self-sustaining ecosystem of fungus and algae holds a mirror to ourselves
the latest
Making New Biology
Humans have toyed with the idea of creating better biological structures for a long time. What happens when it actually becomes possible?
How to Turn Biology into a Language
AI is helping us create languages out of proteins and other molecules. Grow’s Christina Agapakis speaks with two founders about how that will shape the medicine of the future.
Beyond Control
The language of molecular biology says that the goal of bioengineering is achieving control over biological processes and other creatures. Maybe there are better alternatives.
Going Viral
Phage therapy has been touted as the replacement to antibiotics. But what if that comparison is holding it back?
Fish Out of Water
How to make lab-grown seafood delicious
Instagram Fruit
The secret behind Del Monte’s Pink Pineapple™
Intelligent Designs
The Work of Art in the Age of Synthetic Reproduction
The Ugly Truth
What happens when the government enforces beauty standards?

The Food of Exiles
Technologies of memory and loss in a displaced world.